Notes of a First-time Pilgrim: the Beginning

Revisiting a four-year-old trip. Because sometimes one needs to remember.

shoes 'n ships

PIC_5718 The Himalayas as I saw it

What is it that drives a person to attempt the seemingly impossible? To step over the boundaries of their small world and venture into what can only be described as a previously unthinkable course of action?

What made me gather my non-existent time and resources, pack my bags, leave my family behind and head to the Himalayas with a group of strangers…? 

There is no answer, really. Or if there is one, it is complex. So complex that I can’t begin to comprehend it myself. 

Let’s just say that there were ghosts that needed to be laid to rest.

this earth, this beautiful earth... This earth, this beautiful earth…

Maybe it was time, as they say?

Or perhaps the Himalayas decided to be merciful to someone who urgently needed to quieten the chaos in her head, before it swallowed her whole…

The latter, most definitely… Yes. For without that…

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3 thoughts on “Notes of a First-time Pilgrim: the Beginning

  1. I retraced back to your October 23, 2015 post and there I am. I know it was on this journey that I first came to know of your blog. Now we have even met. What a small and wonderful world this is sometimes.


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